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点击数:931     发布日期:2019-05-13     发布部门:科技处     主图:     视频:     摄影:


报告人姓名Matviienko Maksym

报告人简介Ph. D in Engineering, welding and allied processes. Professor of Admiral Makarov National University of shipbuilding. Senior Researcher of the Department of welding production in Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding.

Research interests: mathematical modeling, mechanics of welded and brazed joints.

Professional field: Investigation of the stress-strain state of structures from dissimilar materials obtained by soldering or diffusion welding. Mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state both in the elastic and, especially, in the elastic-plastic region of structural elements of complex shapes under the influence of external loads (including those that vary over time) and uneven heating causing large thermal stresses, with the widespread use of modern computational techniques. Problems of evaluation of the stress-strain state of welded metal structures in welding. Experimental studies of the influence of welding parameters on deformation processes in welded joints. Simulation of the stress-strain state in welding using the finite element method.

The author of more than 90 scientific works. Among them 49 scientific articles, 4 textbooks, 34 conference abstracts. Six declaration patents of Ukraine.



