

    1. Zheng, Hongge; Duan, Junjie; Dai, Jun(通讯作者), Synthesis of formamidinium lead iodide perovskite bulk single crystal and its optical properties.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B,2017, 31 : 16-19

    2. Wu Chunxia, Sun Qingfeng, Song Xiong, Zheng Hongge, Dai Jun(通讯作者),Synthesis and Optical Properties of CdS0.75Se0.25 Micro-Tetrapods,JOURNAL OF NANOELECTRONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS,2017, 12 : 326-330

    3. Zheng Hongge, Dai Jun(通讯作者) Temperature-dependent photoluminescence properties of [HC(NH2)2]PbI3 perovskite nanorods,MATERIALS LETTERS,2017, 188 : 232-234

    4. Jun Dai, et al, Carrier Decay Properties of Mixed Cation Formamidinium Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite[HC(NH2)2]1-x[CH3NH3]xPbI3Nanorods,Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016, 7: 5036.

    5. Jun Dai, et al, Comparative investigation on temperature dependent photoluminescence of CH3NH3PbBr3and CH(NH2)2-PbBr3microstructures,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4: 4408.

    6. Jun Dai, et al, Excitonic photoluminescence and photoresponse of ZnS nanowires,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 174: 204.

    7. Jun Dai,* P . X. Zhou, J. F. Lu, H. G. Zheng, C. X. Xu, N. Gu, Excitonic Photoluminescence Mechanism and Lasing Action in Band-gap-tunable CdS1-xSexMicrostructures,Nanoscale, 2015, 8:804.

    8. Jun Dai,* J. F. Lu, F. Wang, J. Y. Guo, N. Gu, C. X. Xu, Optical and Exciton Dynamical Properties of a Screw-Dislocation-Driven ZnO:Sn Microstructure,ACS applied materials & interface, 2015, 7: 12655−12662

    9. Jun Dai, C. X. Xu,* J. Y. Guo, S. J. Fang, Y. Lin, G. Y. Zhu, X. Y. Xu, Z. L. Shi, Single ZnO microrod ultraviolet photodetector with ultrahigh photocurrent gain,ACS applied materials & interface, 2013, 5: 9344−9348

    10. Jun Dai,* C. X. Xu,* J. T. Li, Y. Lin, J. Y. Guo, and G. Y. Zhu. Photoluminescence and Two-Photon Lasing of ZnO:Sn Microdisks,Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2014, 118: 14542

    11. Jun Dai,* C. X. Xu,* T. Nakamura, Y. Y. Wang, J. T. Li, Y. Lin, Electron–hole plasma induced band gap renormalization in ZnO microlaser cavities,Optics Express, 2014, 22: 28831.
